
CryptoLine #

CryptoLine is a tool and a language for the verification of low-level implementations of mathematical constructs. It has been used to verify implementations in OpenSSL, BoringSSL, mbed TLS, pqm4, ntt-polymul, etc.

Prerequisite #

To compile and run CryptoLine, the following packages need to be installed.

Installation #

On Linux #

Follow the instructions below to build and install CryptoLine as well as the default solver Singular and Boolector on Ubuntu 23.04.

$ sudo apt -y install \
        build-essential ocaml ocaml-dune libzarith-ocaml-dev liblwt-ocaml-dev \
        curl git bc cmake libreadline-dev boolector singular
$ ./scripts/
$ dune build
$ dune install

Run the following command to see the available command-line arguments.

$ cv -help

To uninstall CryptoLine, run the following command.

$ dune uninstall

Note that Singular and Boolector provided by Ubuntu are pretty old. It is recommended to install newer versions of Singular and Boolector. Using the scripts and, Singular 4.1.3p2 and Boolector 3.2.2 can be installed.

$ ./scripts/
$ ./scripts/

Using Docker #

A Dockerfile is provided in CryptoLine. Run the following commands to build a docker image and run a new container from the image.

$ docker build -t cryptoline - < Dockerfile
$ docker run -it --name cryptoline cryptoline bash

Simple Test #

To test the installation of CryptoLine, run the following command in the project root.

$ ./run_experiments -simple

Below is the expected output (time may vary).

Verifying examples/qhasm/ 0 seconds                          [OK]
Verifying examples/qhasm/ 1 seconds                          [OK]
Verifying examples/qhasm/ 0 seconds                       [OK]
Verifying examples/qhasm/ 0 seconds                    [OK]
Verifying examples/qhasm/ 0 seconds                       [OK]

Basic Usage #

Verify a CryptoLine program

$ cv

Parse a CryptoLine program

$ cv -p

Output the SSA (Static Single Assignment) form of a CryptoLine program

$ cv -pssa

Verify a CryptoLine program with at most 2 parallel jobs (-jobs 2), verbose outputs (-v), incremental checking of algebraic soundness (-isafety), and program slicing (-slicing).

$ cv -v -jobs 2 -isafety -slicing

CryptoLine Language #

Read this for the details of the CryptoLine language.

Tutorial #

A tutorial of CryptoLine is available here.

Syntax Highlight #

Syntax highlighting in Emacs is provided by misc/cryptoLine-mode.el.

; Change [PATH_TO_CRYPTOLINE] to the right location
(add-to-list 'load-path "[PATH_TO_CRYPTOLINE]/misc")
(autoload 'cryptoline-mode "cryptoline-mode" "Major mode for CryptoLine files." t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.cl\\'" . cryptoline-mode))

Syntax highlighting in Visual Studio Code is provided by the extension misc/cryptoline-vscode-extension/cryptoline-x.y.z.vsix where x.y.z is the version of the extension.

Reference #

  • Vincent Hwang, Jiaxiang Liu, Gregor Seiler, Xiaomu Shi, Ming-Hsien Tsai, Bow-Yaw Wang, and Bo-Yin Yang. Verified NTT Multiplications for NISTPQC KEM Lattice Finalists: Kyber, SABER, and NTRU. IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems. 2022(4): 718-750 (2022).
  • Yu-Fu Fu, Jiaxiang Liu, Xiaomu Shi, Ming-Hsien Tsai, Bow-Yaw Wang, and Bo-Yin Yang. Signed Cryptographic Program Verification with Typed CryptoLine. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ‘19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1591-1606. DOI:
  • Andy Polyakov, Ming-Hsien Tsai, Bow-Yaw Wang, Bo-Yin Yang: Verifying Arithmetic Assembly Programs in Cryptographic Primitives (Invited Talk). International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR), 4:1-4:16, LIPIcs, 2018
  • Ming-Hsien Tsai, Bow-Yaw Wang, Bo-Yin Yang: Certified Verification of Algebraic Properties on Low-Level Mathematical Constructs in Cryptographic Programs. ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pp. 1973-1987, ACM, 2017
  • Yu-Fang Chen, Chang-Hong Hsu, Hsin-Hung Lin, Peter Schwabe, Ming-Hsien Tsai, Bow-Yaw Wang, Bo-Yin Yang, Shang-Yi Yang: Verifying Curve25519 Software. ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pp. 299-309, ACM, 2014