
Instructions #

mov #

mov x a assigns destination variable x by the value of the source atom a.

cmov #

cmov x c a1 a2 assigns destination variable x by the value of the source atom a1 if the condition bit c is 1, and otherwise by the value of the source atom a2.

add #

add x a1 a2 assigns x by the addition of the source atoms a1 and a2.

Note that add may overflow.

adds #

adds c x a1 a2 assigns x by the addition of the source atoms a1 and a2 with carry bit c set.

adc #

adc x a1 a2 y assigns x by the addition of the carry bit y and the source atoms a1 and a2.

adcs #

adcs c x a1 a2 y is the same as adc except the carry bit is set.

sub #

sub x a1 a2 is subtraction.

subc #

subc c x a1 a2 is subtraction with carry.

subb #

subb c x a1 a2 is subtraction with borrow.

sbc #

sbc x a1 a2 y is subtraction with carry.

sbcs #

sbcs c x a1 a2 y is subtraction with carry.

sbb #

sbb x a1 a2 y is subtraction with borrow.

sbbs #

sbbs c x a1 a2 y is subtraction with borrow.

mul #

muls x a1 a2 is half multiplication operations.

muls #

muls xh xl a1 a2 is half multiplication operations.

muls sets the carry bit if the multiplication under- or over-flow.

mull #

mull xh xl a1 a2 is full multiplication with results split into high part and low part.

mulj #

mulj x a1 a2 is also full multiplication without splitting the results.

nondet #

nondet x assigns a variable by a nondeterministic value.

set #

set x assigns the bit variable x by 1.

clear #

clear x assigns the bit variable x by 0.

shl #

shl x a n shifts the source atom a left by n and stores the results in x.

shls #

shls o x a n is the same as shls x a n except that the bits shifted out are stored in o.

shr #

shr x a n shifts the source atom a right logically by n and stores the results in x.

shrs #

shrs x o a n is the same as shr x a n except that the bits shifted out are stored in o.

sar #

sar x a n are the same as shr except that the right shift is arithmetic.

sars #

sars x a n are the same as shrs except that the right shift is arithmetic.

cshl #

cshl xh xl a1 a2 n concatenates the source atoms a1 (high bits) and a2 (low bits), shifts the concatenation left by n, stores the high bits of the shifted concatenation in xh, and stores the low bits shifted right by n in xl.

cshr #

cshr xh xl a1 a2 n concatenates the source atoms a1 (high bits) and a2 (low bits), shifts the concatenation right logically by n, stores the high bits of the shifted concatenation in xh, and stores the low bits in xl.

cshrs #

cshr xh xl o a1 a2 n is the same as cshr xh xl a1 a2 n except that the bits shifted out are stored in o.

spl #

spl xh xl a n splits the source atom a at position n, stores the high bits in xh, and stores the low bits in xl.

split #

split xh xl a n is the same as spl except that the high bits xh and the low bits xl are extended to the size of a.

While the low bits are always zero extended, the high bits are sign extended if a is signed and otherwise zero extended.

join #

join x a1 a2 assigns x by the concatenation of the source atoms a1 (high bits) and a2 (low bits).

and #

and x a1 a2 is bit-wise and operation.

or #

or x a1 a2 is bit-wise or operation.

xor #

xor x a1 a2 is bit-wise xor operation.

not #

not x a is bit-wise not operation.

cast #

cast t x a assigns x by the source atom a casted to the type t.

vpc #

vpc t x a is the same as cast t x a except that the integer interpretation of x must be the same as the integer interpretation of a.

assert #

assert pred tells CryptoLine to verify the specified predicate pred.

assume #

assume pred tells CryptoLine to assume the specified predicate pred.

cut #

cut e && r is an alias of one ecut e followed by a rcut r.

ecut #

For ecut epred, CryptoLine verifies the specified algebraic predicate epred and starts afresh with the predicate assumed when verifying algebraic properties.

rcut #

Similarly for rcut rpred, CryptoLine verifies the specified range rpred predicate and starts afresh with the predicate assumed when verifying range properties.

ghost #

ghost a1, a2, ..., an : P && Q can introduce logical variables a1, a2, ..., an that must only be used in specifications such as assert, assume, cut, ecut, rcut, and postconditions.

The predicate P && Q in a ghost instruction is always assumed.

call #

call p (a1, a2, ..., an) executes a defined procedure p with arguments a1, a2, ..., an.