
\(\) \[\gdef{\mZ}{\mathbb{Z}} \gdef{\mN}{\mathbb{N}} \gdef{\xeightysix}{x86\_64} \gdef{\cryptoline}{\textrm{CryptoLine}} \gdef{\openssl}{\textrm{OpenSSL}} \gdef{\blst}{\textrm{blst}} \gdef{\pqclean}{\textrm{PQClean}} \gdef{\pqmfour}{\textrm{pqm4}} \gdef{\python}{\textrm{Python}} \gdef{\gdb}{\textrm{gdb}} \gdef{\ocaml}{\textrm{OCaml}} \gdef{\opam}{\textrm{opam}} \gdef{\boolector}{\textrm{boolector}} \gdef{\singular}{\textrm{Singular}} \gdef{\ubuntu}{\textrm{ubuntu}} \gdef{\cryptolinehome}{\texttt{\\$(CL\_HOME)}} \gdef{\itrace}{\texttt{itrace.py}} \gdef{\tozdsl}{\texttt{to\_zdsl.py}} \gdef{\nistzadd}{\texttt{ecp\_nistz256\_add}} \gdef{\nistzaddgas}{\texttt{ecp\_nistz256\_add.gas}} \gdef{\nistzaddcl}{\texttt{ecp\_nistz256\_add.cl}} \gdef{\nistzmul}{\texttt{ecp\_nistz256\_mul\_mont}} \gdef{\nistzmulgas}{\texttt{ecp\_nistz256\_mul\_mont.gas}} \gdef{\nistzmulcl}{\texttt{ecp\_nistz256\_mul\_mont.cl}} \gdef{\derefop}{\mathit{\$}} \gdef{\deref}#1{\mathit{\$#1}} \gdef{\wordsize}{W} \gdef{\prog}{\mathit{prog}} \gdef{\stmt}{\mathit{stmt}} \gdef{\proc}{\mathit{proc}} \gdef{\formals}{\mathit{formals}} \gdef{\true}{\mathit{true}} \gdef{\minusop}{-} \gdef{\eqop}{=} \gdef{\negop}{\sim} \gdef{\addop}{+} \gdef{\subop}{-} \gdef{\mulop}{*} \gdef{\powop}{**} \gdef{\landop}{\mathit{/\backslash}} \gdef{\lorop}{\mathit{\backslash/}} \gdef{\notop}{!} \gdef{\andop}{\mathit{\text{\&}}} \gdef{\orop}{\mathit{|}} \gdef{\xorop}{\mathit{\text{\textasciicircum}}} \gdef{\ultop}{\mathit{<}} \gdef{\uleop}{\mathit{<=}} \gdef{\ugtop}{\mathit{>}} \gdef{\ugeop}{\mathit{>=}} \gdef{\sltop}{\mathit{<s}} \gdef{\sleop}{\mathit{<=s}} \gdef{\sgtop}{\mathit{>s}} \gdef{\sgeop}{\mathit{>=s}} \gdef{\iult}{\mathit{ult}} \gdef{\iule}{\mathit{ule}} \gdef{\iugt}{\mathit{ugt}} \gdef{\iuge}{\mathit{uge}} \gdef{\islt}{\mathit{slt}} \gdef{\isle}{\mathit{sle}} \gdef{\isgt}{\mathit{sgt}} \gdef{\isge}{\mathit{sge}} \gdef{\pre}{\mathit{pre}} \gdef{\post}{\mathit{post}} \gdef{\pred}{\mathit{pred}} \gdef{\epred}{\mathit{epred}} \gdef{\rpred}{\mathit{rpred}} \gdef{\predclause}{\mathit{pred\_clause}} \gdef{\epredclause}{\mathit{epred\_clause}} \gdef{\rpredclause}{\mathit{rpred\_clause}} \gdef{\iuext}{\mathit{uext}} \gdef{\isext}{\mathit{sext}} \gdef{\imod}{\mathit{mod}} \gdef{\iumod}{\mathit{umod}} \gdef{\ismod}{\mathit{smod}} \gdef{\isrem}{\mathit{srem}} \gdef{\ilimbs}{\mathit{limbs}} \gdef{\eexp}{\mathit{eexp}} \gdef{\rexp}{\mathit{rexp}} \gdef{\instr}{\mathit{instr}} \gdef{\imov}{\mathit{mov}} \gdef{\iadd}{\mathit{add}} \gdef{\iuadd}{\mathit{uadd}} \gdef{\isadd}{\mathit{sadd}} \gdef{\iadds}{\mathit{adds}} \gdef{\iuadds}{\mathit{uadds}} \gdef{\isadds}{\mathit{sadds}} \gdef{\iaddr}{\mathit{addr}} \gdef{\iuaddr}{\mathit{uaddr}} \gdef{\isaddr}{\mathit{saddr}} \gdef{\iadc}{\mathit{adc}} \gdef{\iuadc}{\mathit{uadc}} \gdef{\isadc}{\mathit{sadc}} \gdef{\iadcs}{\mathit{adcs}} \gdef{\iuadcs}{\mathit{uadcs}} \gdef{\isadcs}{\mathit{sadcs}} \gdef{\iadcr}{\mathit{adcr}} \gdef{\iuadcr}{\mathit{uadcr}} \gdef{\isadcr}{\mathit{sadcr}} \gdef{\isub}{\mathit{sub}} \gdef{\iusub}{\mathit{usub}} \gdef{\issub}{\mathit{ssub}} \gdef{\isubs}{\mathit{subs}} \gdef{\iusubs}{\mathit{usubs}} \gdef{\issubs}{\mathit{ssubs}} \gdef{\isubc}{\mathit{subc}} \gdef{\iusubc}{\mathit{usubc}} \gdef{\issubc}{\mathit{ssubc}} \gdef{\isubb}{\mathit{subb}} \gdef{\iusubb}{\mathit{usubb}} \gdef{\issubb}{\mathit{ssubb}} \gdef{\isubr}{\mathit{subr}} \gdef{\iusubr}{\mathit{usubr}} \gdef{\issubr}{\mathit{ssubr}} \gdef{\isbc}{\mathit{sbc}} \gdef{\iusbc}{\mathit{usbc}} \gdef{\issbc}{\mathit{ssbc}} \gdef{\isbcs}{\mathit{sbcs}} \gdef{\iusbcs}{\mathit{usbcs}} \gdef{\issbcs}{\mathit{ssbcs}} \gdef{\isbcr}{\mathit{sbcr}} \gdef{\iusbcr}{\mathit{usbcr}} \gdef{\issbcr}{\mathit{ssbcr}} \gdef{\isbb}{\mathit{sbb}} \gdef{\iusbb}{\mathit{usbb}} \gdef{\issbb}{\mathit{ssbb}} \gdef{\isbbs}{\mathit{sbbs}} \gdef{\iusbbs}{\mathit{usbbs}} \gdef{\issbbs}{\mathit{ssbbs}} \gdef{\isbbr}{\mathit{sbbr}} \gdef{\iusbbr}{\mathit{usbbr}} \gdef{\issbbr}{\mathit{ssbbr}} \gdef{\imul}{\mathit{mul}} \gdef{\iumul}{\mathit{umul}} \gdef{\ismul}{\mathit{smul}} \gdef{\imuls}{\mathit{muls}} \gdef{\iumuls}{\mathit{umuls}} \gdef{\ismuls}{\mathit{smuls}} \gdef{\imulr}{\mathit{mulr}} \gdef{\iumulr}{\mathit{umulr}} \gdef{\ismulr}{\mathit{smulr}} \gdef{\imull}{\mathit{mull}} \gdef{\iumull}{\mathit{umull}} \gdef{\ismull}{\mathit{smull}} \gdef{\imulj}{\mathit{mulj}} \gdef{\iumulj}{\mathit{umulj}} \gdef{\ismulj}{\mathit{smulj}} \gdef{\isplit}{\mathit{split}} \gdef{\ispl}{\mathit{spl}} \gdef{\ijoin}{\mathit{join}} \gdef{\ishl}{\mathit{shl}} \gdef{\ishls}{\mathit{shls}} \gdef{\ishr}{\mathit{shr}} \gdef{\ishrs}{\mathit{shrs}} \gdef{\isar}{\mathit{sar}} \gdef{\isars}{\mathit{sars}} \gdef{\icshl}{\mathit{cshl}} \gdef{\icshr}{\mathit{cshr}} \gdef{\icshrs}{\mathit{cshrs}} \gdef{\iset}{\mathit{set}} \gdef{\iclear}{\mathit{clear}} \gdef{\inondet}{\mathit{nondet}} \gdef{\icmov}{\mathit{cmov}} \gdef{\ieq}{\mathit{eq}} \gdef{\ieqmod}{\mathit{eqmod}} \gdef{\iequmod}{\mathit{equmod}} \gdef{\ieqsmod}{\mathit{eqsmod}} \gdef{\ieqsrem}{\mathit{eqsrem}} \gdef{\ineg}{\mathit{neg}} \gdef{\iand}{\mathit{and}} \gdef{\ior}{\mathit{or}} \gdef{\ixor}{\mathit{xor}} \gdef{\inot}{\mathit{not}} \gdef{\iassert}{\mathit{assert}} \gdef{\iassume}{\mathit{assume}} \gdef{\ighost}{\mathit{ghost}} \gdef{\icut}{\mathit{cut}} \gdef{\iecut}{\mathit{ecut}} \gdef{\ircut}{\mathit{rcut}} \gdef{\icast}{\mathit{cast}} \gdef{\ivpc}{\mathit{vpc}} \gdef{\icall}{\mathit{call}} \gdef{\inop}{\mathit{nop}} \gdef{\iconst}{\mathit{const}} \gdef{\iprove}{\mathit{prove}} \gdef{\iwith}{\mathit{with}} \gdef{\provewith}{\mathit{prove\_with}} \gdef{\precondition}{\mathit{precondition}} \gdef{\all}{\mathit{all}} \gdef{\cuts}{\mathit{cuts}} \gdef{\assumes}{\mathit{assumes}} \gdef{\ghosts}{\mathit{ghosts}} \gdef{\algebra}{\mathit{algebra}} \gdef{\range}{\mathit{range}} \gdef{\solver}{\mathit{solver}} \gdef{\varseq}{\mathit{varseq}} \gdef{\atom}{\mathit{atom}} \gdef{\atomseq}{\mathit{atomseq}} \gdef{\var}{\mathit{var}} \gdef{\tvar}{\mathit{typed\_var}} \gdef{\lval}{\mathit{lval}} \gdef{\simpleconst}{\mathit{simple\_const}} \gdef{\complexconst}{\mathit{complexy\_const}} \gdef{\const}{\mathit{const}} \gdef{\tconst}{\mathit{typed\_const}} \gdef{\id}{\mathit{id}} \gdef{\path}{\mathit{path}} \gdef{\smt}{\mathit{smt}} \gdef{\cas}{\mathit{cas}} \gdef{\singularsolver}{\mathit{singular}} \gdef{\sagesolver}{\mathit{sage}} \gdef{\magmasolver}{\mathit{magma}} \gdef{\mathematicasolver}{\mathit{mathematica}} \gdef{\macaulaysolver}{\mathit{macaulay2}} \gdef{\maplesolver}{\mathit{maple}} \gdef{\typ}{\mathit{typ}} \gdef{\letter}{\mathit{letter}} \gdef{\digit}{\mathit{digit}} \gdef{\underscore}{\mathit{underscore}} \gdef{\uint}{\mathsf{uint}} \gdef{\sint}{\mathsf{sint}} \gdef{\bit}{\mathsf{bit}} \gdef{\band}{\&\&}\]

Introduction #

$\cryptoline$ is a verificaiton tool chain for cryptographic assembly programs. It contains the $\cryptoline$ model checker and tools for building models from executable binary codes. $\cryptoline$ is designed for verifying algebraic properties in cryptographic programs. It has been used to verify cryptographic assembly programs in $\openssl$ and $\blst$, $\pqclean$, and $\pqmfour$.

In this tutorial, we explain notable features of $\cryptoline$ through two running examples from $\xeightysix$ implementations for NIST P-256 curve in $\openssl$. Specifically, NIST P-256 curve uses the finite field $\mZ_{p256}$ where $p256$ is

\[ \mathtt{0xffffffff00000001\ 0000000000000000\ 00000000ffffffff\ ffffffffffffffff}. \]

We will verify the addition (ecp_nistz256_add) and Montegomery multiplication (ecp_nistz256_mul_montx) over the field $\mZ_{p256}$ from crypto/ec/asm in $\openssl$. All $\cryptoline$ codes can be found in examples/openss/ecp_nistz256/x86_64 from the $\cryptoline$ distribution.

$\cryptoline$ Overview #

To verify cryptographic programs with $\cryptoline$, a verifier has to construct program models written in the $\cryptoline$ language. Such program models could be written manually. Manual construction nevertheless could be tedious or even deviant from real cryptographic programs. To help verifiers, $\cryptoline$ provides a $\python$ script itrace.py to extract traces from running cryptographic programs in $\gdb$. Verifiers will obtain traces of cryptographic programs as executed on hardware. Since traces are extracted from $\gdb$, they are sequences of assembly instructions from the underlying hardware architecture. To convert such traces to $\cryptoline$ models, $\cryptoline$ provides another $\python$ script to_zdsl.py to help verifiers transliate assembly instructions to $\cryptoline$ commands. Through itrace.py and to_zdsl.py, accurate $\cryptoline$ models can be constructed rather easily. They are indispensable in practice.

Based on the $\cryptoline$ models generated by to_zdsl.py, verifiers need to annotate models with input assumptions (or pre-conditions) and output requirements (or post-conditions). Additional annotations are aften required to guide $\cryptoline$ verification engines as well. After necessary annotations are added, the $\cryptoline$ verification tool will prove if all post-conditions must hold under pre-conditions automatically. If $\cryptoline$ fails to prove post-conditions, hints can be found in $\cryptoline$ log files. Verifiers can decide whether more annotations are needed or bugs are found from the hints.

The $\cryptoline$ verification tool employs two engines for proving different properties about $\cryptoline$ models. The SMT-based engine calls an external SMT QFBV (Satisfiability Modulo Quantifier-Free Bit-Vector Theory) solver to prove range properties. The CAS-based engine calls an external CAS (Computer Algebra System) to prove algebraic properties. Generally, the SMT-based engine is automatic but unsuitable for complex non-linear algebraic properties. The CAS-based engine on the other hand is much better for algebraic properties but requires more annotations. Verifiers need to choose which engine to use by their discretion.

Installing $\cryptoline$ #

$\cryptoline$ is an open-sourced project available at https://github.com/fmlab-iis/cryptoline. To download its source code, type

$ git clone https://github.com/fmlab-iis/cryptoline.git

$\cryptoline$ is written in $\ocaml$ and requires the $\ocaml$ package manager $\opam$, external SMT solvers, and CAS’s. Use the following commands to install the $\opam$ package manager, the SMT solver $\boolector$, and the CAS $\singular$ in $\ubuntu$:

$ sudo apt-get install opam boolector singular-ui

Additional $\ocaml$ libraries are needed to compile $\cryptoline$. To initialize $\opam$ and install these libraries, use the following commands:

$ opam init --disable-sandboxing    # initialize opam
$ eval $(opam env)                  # set up environment variables
$ opam install dune lwt_ppx zarith  # install additional OCaml packages

Finally, go to the $\cryptoline$ directory and compile it with the following commands:

$ cd cryptoline
$ dune build

The built $\cryptoline$ binaries are in the _build/default directory. To make a symbolic link for convenience and check if everything works fine, try

$ ln -s _build/default/cv.exe
$ cv.exe -v -isafety examples/openssl/ecp_nistz256/ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl

If you see messages similar to the folowing, you are all set!

Parsing Cryptoline file:                [OK]            0.002074 seconds
Checking well-formedness:               [OK]            0.000732 seconds
Transforming to SSA form:               [OK]            0.000278 seconds
Normalizing specification:              [OK]            0.000017 seconds
Rewriting assignments:                  [OK]            0.000229 seconds
Verifying program safety:
         Cut 0
             Round 1 (32 safety conditions, timeout = 300 seconds)
                 Safety condition #3    [OK]
                 Safety condition #4    [OK]
                 Safety condition #0    [OK]
                 Safety condition #28   [OK]
                 Safety condition #31   [OK]
         Overall                        [OK]            5.185277 seconds
Verifying range specification:          [OK]            2.155957 seconds
Rewriting value-preserved casting:      [OK]            0.000023 seconds
Verifying algebraic specification:      [OK]            0.107180 seconds
Verification result:                    [OK]            7.452392 seconds

Running Examples from $\openssl$ #

The $\cryptoline$ verification tool is a model checker. That is, it checks specified properties about models. To verify cryptographic programs with $\cryptoline$, we need to write a model for the program and specify properties about the model. In this tutorial, we will verify the $\xeightysix$ assembly subroutines ecp_nistz256_add and __ecp_nistz256_mul_montx from ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl in crypto/ec/asm from $\openssl$. The subroutine ecp_nistz256_add takes two inputs $a$ and $b$ from the field $\mZ_{p256}$, computes their sum $c \equiv a + b \mod p256$, and stores $c$ in memory. The API for __ecp_nistz256_mul_montx takes two inputs $a, b$ from $\mZ_{p256}$, computes their Montgomery product $c \equiv a \times b \times 2^{-256} \mod p256$, and stores $c$ in memory. They are used by $\openssl$ on $\xeightysix$ by default. We will see important features of $\cryptoline$ in these running examples.

ecp_nistz256_add #

Model Construction #

The easiest way to construct accurate $\cryptoline$ models is by extracting traces from execution. To do so, we need to build an executable binary for the cryptographic program under verification. Let us write a simple C program which calls the two assembly subroutines.

#include <stdint.h>
#define P256_LIMBS 4

typedef uint64_t BN_ULONG;

/* Modular add: res = a+b mod P   */
void ecp_nistz256_add(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
                      const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
                      const BN_ULONG b[P256_LIMBS]);
/* Montgomery mul: res = a*b*2^-256 mod P */
void ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(BN_ULONG res[P256_LIMBS],
                           const BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS],
                           const BN_ULONG b[P256_LIMBS]);

int main (void) {
  BN_ULONG a[P256_LIMBS], b[P256_LIMBS], r[P256_LIMBS];

  /* Modular add: res = a+b mod P   */
  ecp_nistz256_add(r, a, b);
  /* Montgomery mul: res = a*b*2^-256 mod P */
  ecp_nistz256_mul_mont(r, a, b);

  return 0;

An executable binary can be built with the following command (libcrypto.a is from $\openssl$):

$ gcc -o top top.c libcrypto.a

$\cryptoline$ provides the $\python$ script itrace.py to extract execution traces from $\gdb$. Write $\cryptoline$home for the root directory of $\cryptoline$. The execution trace of ecp_nistz256_add is extracted with the following command:

$ $CL_HOME/scripts/itrace.py top ecp_nistz256_add ecp_nistz256_add.gas

The first argument is the name of the executable binary top, the second argument is the name of the subroutine ecp_nistz256_add, and the third argument is the name of the output file (ecp_nistz256_add.gas). The content of ecp_nistz256_add.gas looks like

# %rdi = 0x7fffffffda00
# %rsi = 0x7fffffffd9c0
# %rdx = 0x7fffffffd9e0
# %rcx = 0x7fffffffd9c0
# %r8  = 0x555555580c70
# %r9  = 0x7ffef3ff00000000
	#! -> SP = 0x7fffffffd9b8
	push   %r12                       #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9b0; ...
	push   %r13                       #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9a8; ...
	mov    (%rsi),%r8                 #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9c0; ...
	xor    %r13,%r13                  #! PC = 0x55555557c327
	mov    0x8(%rsi),%r9              #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9c8; ...
	mov    0x10(%rsi),%r10            #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9d0; ...
	mov    0x18(%rsi),%r11            #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9d8; ...
	lea    -0x33d(%rip),%rsi          # 0x55555557c000 ...
	add    (%rdx),%r8                 #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9e0; ...
	adc    0x8(%rdx),%r9              #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9e8; ...

The script itrace.py shows the register contents when ecp_nistz256_add is called. By calling convention, %rdi, %rsi, and %rdx contains the values of the first three arguments to ecp_nistz256_add. In this case, we see the pointers r[], a[], and b[] are 0x7fffffffda00, 0x7fffffffd9c0, and 0x7fffffffd9e0 respectively. For each instruction, itrace.py moreover reports the effective address of its argument (EA), the value stored in the address (Value), and the program counter (C). The itrace.py script is necessarily architecture-dependent. It currently supports ARM, MIPS, RISC-V, and x86. It can also connect to remote $\gdb$ through a serial port. It has been used to extract traces from ARM Cortex-M4 development boards.

Our next step is to convert $\xeightysix$ instructions to corresponding $\cryptoline$ commands. $\cryptoline$ provides the $\python$ script to_zdsl.py to convert instructions by writing translation rules. Translation rules are specified in the beginning of execution traces (ecp_nistz256_add.gas). They must start with #!. For to_zdsl.py, strings prefixed by %% are matched differently. We start with rules for such strings:

#! $1c(%rdi) = %%EA
#! (%rdi) = %%EA
#! $1c(%rsi) = %%EA
#! (%rsi) = %%EA
#! $1c(%rdx) = %%EA
#! (%rdx) = %%EA
#! %r$1c = %%r$1c
#! %rax = %%rax
#! %rcx = %%rcx
#! %rdx = %%rdx

The left hand side denotes the string in the trace to be matched. The right hand side denotes how to rewrite the match strings. The notations $1c, $2c, and so on match constants. The first six rules rewrite memory references to %%EA. The last four rules add an additional % to registers.

For each $\xeightysix$ instruction in ecp_nistz256_add.gas, a translation rule is needed for conversion. Instructions starting with # will be skipped. Let us look at the rule for the $\xeightysix$ xor instruction:

#! xor $1v, $1v -> mov $1v 0@uint64

The left hand side denotes the pattern in the trace to be matched. The right hand side denotes how to rewrite the matched pattern. The strings prefixed with %% are matched by $1v, \$2v, and so on. The $\xeightysix$ instructions from the trace separate arguments by ,. They moreover write sources before destinations. The $\cryptoline$ commands however write destinations before sources. In this rule, the same register appears in both arguments to the xor instruction. The register is set to zero effectively. The rule thus sets the $\cryptoline$ variable to 0@uint64. Note that all constants in $\cryptoline$ must be given a type. The notation 0@uint64 denotes the constant zero of the unsigned 64-bit integer type.

Our next rules are for the $\xeightysix$ mov instruction:

#! mov $1v, $2v -> mov $2v $1v
#! mov $1ea, $2v -> mov $2v $1ea
#! mov $1v, $2ea -> mov $2ea $1v

The string %%EA is matched by $1ea, $2ea, and so on. Recall that itrace.py reports the effective address appeared in each instruction. The script to_zdsl.py will also rewrite each matched %%EA to the corresponding effective address. In $\cryptoline$, there is no memory model. All memory stores are modeled by $\cryptoline$ variables. By convention, the memory store with the address addr are modeled by the variable Laddr. Using effective addresses as variable names allows us to avoid tedious address computation. It greatly simplifies our model construnction. Our rules simply swap the order of source and destination.

The rules for arithmetic instructions are also strightforward:

#! add $1ea, $2v -> adds carry $2v $2v $1ea
#! adc $1ea, $2v -> adcs carry $2v $2v $1ea carry
#! adc \$0x0, $1v -> adc $1v $1v 0@uint64 carry
#! sub $1ea, $2v -> subb carry $2v $2v $1ea
#! sbb $1ea, $2v -> sbbs carry $2v $2v $1ea carry
#! sbb \$0x0, $1v -> sbbs carry $1v $1v 0@uint64 carry

In $\cryptoline$ commands, all arguments are explicit. Consider, for instance, the $\xeightysix$ add instruction. It puts the sum of the two arguments in the destination and sets the carry flag implicitly. In $\cryptoline$, two commands are provided for addition: add updates the destination with the sum of sources; adds updates the destination with the sume of sources and the destination flag with carry. In our rules, the $\cryptoline$ variable carry denotes the carry flag. We therefore use the adds and adcs for the $\xeightysix$ add and adc instructions respectively. Finally, $\cryptoline$ provides subtraction commands for carry or borrow flags. The subb commands updates the destination with the difference of sources and the destination flag with borrow; the subc commands updates the destination with the difference of sources and the destination flag with carry. In $\xeightysix$, the sub instruction updates the carry flag with borrow. Our rule hence uses the $\cryptoline$ subb command.

Our last rule is for the $\xeightysix$ cmovb instruction:

#! cmovb $1v, $2v -> cmov $2v carry $1v $2v

The instruction sets the destination to the value of source if the carry flag is true. The $\cryptoline$ command cmov sets the destination to the value of the first source if the source flag is true; it sets the destination to the value of the second source otherwise.

After putting all translation rules in the beginning of ecp_nistz256_add.gas, the $\xeightysix$ trace can be converted to a $\cryptoline$ model with following command:

$ $CL_HOME/script/to_zdsl.py ecp_nistz256_add.gas > ecp_nistz256_add.cl

The content of ecp_nistz256_add.cl looks like:

proc main (L0x55555557c000, ...) =

(* #! -> SP = 0x7fffffffd9b8 *)
#! 0x7fffffffd9b8 = 0x7fffffffd9b8;
(* #push   %r12                     #! ...                       *)
#push   %%r12                       #! ...
(* #push   %r13                     #! ...                       *)
#push   %%r13                       #! ...
(* mov    (%rsi),%r8                #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9c0; ... *)
mov r8 L0x7fffffffd9c0;
(* xor    %r13,%r13                 #! PC = 0x55555557c327 *)
mov r13 0@uint64;
(* #repz retq                       #! PC = 0x55555557c39c *)
#repz retq                          #! ...


The notation proc main (...) = denotes the main subroutine in $\cryptoline$. The arguments to the main subroutine are the uninitialized variables reported by to_zdsl.py. In this case, they are memory stores for input arguments and constants used in ecp_nistz256_add. The expression in the brackets true && true denote the pre-condition. It is followed by $\cryptoline$ commands for $\xeightysix$ instructions. Each $\xeightysix$ instruction is put in $\cryptoline$ comments prefixed by # or enclosed by (* and *). It is then followed by the $\cryptoline$ command generated with the translation rules. Finally, the expression in the ending brackets true && true denotes the post-condition.

Let us first make arguments more readable by replacing the main subroutine declaration with:

proc main (uint64 a0, uint64 a1, uint64 a2, uint64 a3,
           uint64 b0, uint64 b1, uint64 b2, uint64 b3,
           uint64 m0, uint64 m1, uint64 m2, uint64 m3) =

We will use a’s and b’s for the two input elements and m’s for the modulo $p256$. The pre-condition for the main subroutine is

  and [ m0 = 0xffffffffffffffff@64, m1 = 0x00000000ffffffff@64,
        m2 = 0x0000000000000000@64, m3 = 0xffffffff00000001@64,
        limbs 64 [a0, a1, a2, a3] <u limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3],
        limbs 64 [b0, b1, b2, b3] <u limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3]

Recall that two different engines are employed in $\cryptoline$. In order to differentiate properties passed to different engines, all $\cryptoline$ properties are of the form P && Q: P is passed to CAS’s and Q is to SMT solvers. For ecp_nistz256_add, the SMT-based engine suffices because it does not involve non-linear computation. Our pre-condition simply passes true to the CAS-based engine. For the SMT-based engine, the pre-condition assumes m’s to be the modulo $p256$. The field elements a’s and b’s moreover are less than $p256$ in the unsigned representation. The expression limbs n [a0, a1, ..., am] is short for

\[ a_0\times 2^{0\times n}+a_1\times 2^{1\times n}+\cdots+a_m\times 2^{m\times n}. \]

Our next step is to put input field elements and constants to correspond memory stores. By consulting ecp_nistz256_add.gas, we add the following $\cryptoline$ commands after the pre-condition:

mov L0x7fffffffd9c0 a0; mov L0x7fffffffd9c8 a1;
mov L0x7fffffffd9d0 a2; mov L0x7fffffffd9d8 a3;

mov L0x7fffffffd9e0 b0; mov L0x7fffffffd9e8 b1;
mov L0x7fffffffd9f0 b2; mov L0x7fffffffd9f8 b3;

mov L0x55555557c000 0xffffffffffffffff@uint64;
mov L0x55555557c008 0x00000000ffffffff@uint64;
mov L0x55555557c010 0x0000000000000000@uint64;
mov L0x55555557c018 0xffffffff00000001@uint64;

At the end of ecp_nistz256_add.cl, we copy the result from memory stores by the following command:

mov c0 L0x7fffffffda00; mov c1 L0x7fffffffda08;
mov c2 L0x7fffffffda10; mov c3 L0x7fffffffda18;

Finally, we specify the post-condition for the SMT-based engine:

  true &&
  and [ eqmod limbs 64 [c0, c1, c2, c3, 0@64]
              limbs 64 [a0, a1, a2, a3, 0@64] +
              limbs 64 [b0, b1, b2, b3, 0@64]
              limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3, 0@64],
        limbs 64 [c0, c1, c2, c3] <u limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3] ]

The post-condition states that the output field element c’s is congruent to the sum of input field elements modulo $p256$, and the output field element is less than the modulo in the unsigned representation. Note that the congruence is computed with $5\times 64=320$ bits instead of $256$ bits.

Verification #

We are ready to verify our $\cryptoline$ model for ecp_nistz256_add. Try

$ $CL_HOME/cv.exe -v -isafety ecp_nistz256_add.cl

The transcript is shown below:

Parsing Cryptoline file:                [OK]            0.001247 seconds
Checking well-formedness:               [OK]            0.000218 seconds
Transforming to SSA form:               [OK]            0.000105 seconds
Normalizing specification:              [OK]            0.000097 seconds
Rewriting assignments:                  [OK]            0.000122 seconds
Verifying program safety:
         Cut 0
             Round 1 (1 safety conditions, timeout = 300 seconds)
                 Safety condition #0    [OK]
         Overall                        [OK]            0.044187 seconds
Verifying range specification:          [OK]            2.203067 seconds
Rewriting value-preserved casting:      [OK]            0.000023 seconds
Verifying algebraic specification:      [OK]            0.000412 seconds
Verification result:                    [OK]            2.249944 seconds

Congratulations! You have verified the $\xeightysix$ ecp_nistz256_add subroutine in $\openssl$ successfully. As we have seen, $\cryptoline$ provides useful scripts for model construction. They are not perfect and still require human intervention. Some practices will help verifiers get familiar with the verification flow.

Exercise: Construct a model for ecp_nistz256_sub in ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl and verify it.

ecp_nistz256_mul_mont #

Our next example is to verify the assembly subroutine ecp_nistz256_mul_mont from $\openssl$.1 The assembly subroutine takes two field elements $a$ and $b$ in $\mZ_{p256}$ as inputs, computes their Montgomery product $c$, and store $c$ in memory. Mathematically, the inputs and output satisfy the following modular equation:

\[ c \equiv a \times b \times 2^{-256} \mod p256 \] equivalently, \[ c \times 2^{256} \equiv a \times b \mod p256 \]

Model Construction #

The executable binary top built in the first example also calls the assembly subroutine. The trace for ecp_nistz256_mul_mont can be extracted by itrace.py with the same binary:

$ $CL_HOME/scripts/itrace.py top ecp_nistz256_mul_mont ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.gas

The trace ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.gas looks like the following:

# %rdi = 0x7fffffffd9f0
# %rsi = 0x7fffffffd9b0
# %rdx = 0x7fffffffd9d0
# %rcx = 0x7fffffffd9b0
# %r8  = 0x-9
# %r9  = 0xfffffffe
	#! -> SP = 0x7fffffffd9a8
	mov    $0x80100,%ecx            #! PC = 0x55555557d1e0
	and    0x5e35(%rip),%ecx        # ...
	push   %rbp                     #! EA = L0x7fffffffd9a0; ...
	push   %rbx                     #! EA = L0x7fffffffd998; ...

By calling convention, we know the input field elements are stored at 0x7fffffffd9b0 and 0x7fffffffd9d0; the output is stored at 0x7fffffffd9f0. The subroutine uses more registers. Unsurprisingly, we need additional translation rules for memory addresses and registers.

#! $1c(%rdi) = %%EA
#! (%rdi) = %%EA
#! $1c(%rsi) = %%EA
#! (%rsi) = %%EA
#! $1c(%rdx) = %%EA
#! (%rdx) = %%EA
#! $1c(%rbx) = %%EA
#! (%rbx) = %%EA
#! -$1c(%rip) = %%EA
#! %r$1c = %%r$1c
#! %rax = %%rax
#! %rbx = %%rbx
#! %rcx = %%rcx
#! %rdx = %%rdx
#! %rbp = %%rbp
#! %eax = %%eax

Many translation rules for $\xeightysix$ instructions can be re-used. They are listed below:

#! add $1v, $2v -> adds carry $2v $2v $1v
#! adc $1v, $2v -> adcs carry $2v $2v $1v carry
#! cmovb $1v, $2v -> cmov $2v carry $1v $2v
#! mov $1c, $2v -> mov $2v $1c@uint64
#! mov $1v, $2v -> mov $2v $1v
#! mov $1ea, $2v -> mov $2v $1ea
#! mov $1v, $2ea -> mov $2ea $1v
#! sbb $1v, $2v -> sbbs carry $2v $2v $1v carry

Three rules are modified slightly. They are:

#! xor $1v, $1v -> mov $1v 0@uint64;\nclear carry;\nclear overflow
#! adc $1c, $2v -> adc $2v $2v $1c@uint64 carry
#! sbb $1c, $2v -> sbbs carry $2v $2v $1c@uint64 carry

The $\xeightysix$ xor instruction actually clears carry and overflow flags. This is not modeled previously but needed in ecp_nistz256_mul_mont, so the rule is modified accordingly. The string \n represents a line break. In ecp_nistz256_mul_mont, more constant literals are used. We therefore use $1c to match constants in the rules for adc and sbb.

Two addtional addition instructions are used in ecp_nistz256_mul_mont. The adcx and adox instructions compute the sum with the carry and overflow flags as carry respectively. Their translation rules are similar to those for adc:

#! adcx $1v, $2v -> adcs carry $2v $2v $1v carry
#! adox $1v, $2v -> adcs overflow $2v $2v $1v overflow

The $\xeightysix$ mulx computes the product of the rdx register and the source. The 128-bit product is then stored in the destinations. The $\cryptoline$ mull command computes the product of the last two arguments, stores the more significant half in the first argument and the less significant half in the second. We thus use the following rule for mulx:

#! mulx $1v, $2v, $3v -> mull $3v $2v rdx $1v

Finally, the $\xeightysix$ instruction shlx r s d and shrx r s d shifts the value of s to the left and right respectively by the value in r. The shifted result is stored in d. In $\cryptoline$, the shl d s c shifts the value of s by the constant c bits to the left. The split h l s c command splits s by the constant c into two parts: the lowest c bits are stored in l and other bits are stored in h. It is tempting to use the following rules:

#! shlx $1v, $2v, $3v -> shl $3v $2v $1v
#! shrx $1v, $2v, $3v -> split $3v dc $2v $1v

There is a problem in these rules. The shl and split commands only allow constant shifting and splitting. We need to change the variable $1v to a constant. After examining ecp_nistz256_mul_mont, we see the first argument of all shlx and shrx instructions is always %r14. Moreover, %r14 is set to $0x20 and never changed. We can ask $\cryptoline$ to check the value of $1v is always 32 and then use 32 as the shifting and splitting constant. The $\cryptoline$ assert P && Q command checks both P and Q must be true. The verification fails if any of P or Q can be false. Consider the following rules:

#! shlx $1v, $2v, $3v -> assert $1v=32 && true;\nshl $3v $2v 32
#! shrx $1v, $2v, $3v -> assert $1v=32 && true;\nsplit $3v dc $2v 32

The assert $1v=32 && true command ensures $1v must be 32 at this location. If so, we use the constant 32 instead of the variable $1v. Note that we ask an external CAS to check if $1v is equal 32. If you would like to use the SMT-based engine, use assert true && $1v=32@64 instead.

The translation rule for shlx neverthelss would not work. Safety conditions would fail during verification if they were used. To explain what safety conditions are, recall that $\cryptoline$ employs two different engines. Every $\cryptoline$ command therefore has two different interpretations: one for the SMT-based, the other for the CAS-base engine. The shl d s c command is interpreted as the logical left shift in bit-vector theory in the SMT-based engine. It is interpreted by the equation $\textit{d} = \texttt{\textit{s}} \times 2^{\textit{c}}$ in the CAS-based engine. Two different interpretations need to be related, otherwise their results may differ unexpectedly. To relate both interpretations of shl, $\cryptoline$ checks safety conditions to see if information might be lost in the command. For shl, the safety condition is that only zeros are shifted out. Thus both interpretations coincide. In ecp_nistz256_mul_mont, this is not the case. We need to translate the $\xeightysix$ shlx instruction differently to avoid the safety condition failure.

Let us go back to ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.gas. Consider the following rule for shlx:

#! shlx $1v, $2v, $3v -> assert $1v=32 && true;\nsplit ddc $3v $2v 32;\nshl $3v $3v 32

After check $1v is 32, it splits $2v into two. The high 32-bit value is stored in ddc. The low 32-bit value in $2v is then shifted to the left by 32 bits.

To further improve our translation rules, let us see how shlx and shrx are used in ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.gas:

shlx   %r14,%r8,%rbp              #! PC = 0x55555557d72e
adc    %rcx,%r11                  #! PC = 0x55555557d733
shrx   %r14,%r8,%rcx              #! PC = 0x55555557d736

The shlx instruction puts the low 32-bit of r8 in rbp. Then shrx puts the high 32-bit of r8 in rcx. In the $\cryptoline$ fragment, the variable ddc is in fact equal to rcx. Let us change the rule for shrx to check it. Consider the following rule:

#! shrx $1v, $2v, $3v -> assert $1v=32 && true;\nsplit $3v dc $2v 32;\nassert true && $3v=ddc;\nassume $3v=ddc && true

After obtaining $3v, the new rule asks the SMT-based engine to check if $3v is equal to ddc. The equation is then passed to the CAS-based engine by the $\cryptoline$ assume command. This is a common technique to pass information between engines. We ask one engine to verify a property with assert, and then pass the property to the other engine with assume.

We are ready to apply the translation rules. After commenting out irrelevant instructions in trace, use the following command:

$ $CL_HOME/scripts/to_zdsl.py ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.gas > ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl

It remains to declare input parameters and specify properties about ecp_nistz256_mul_mont. The declaration and pre-condition are similar to ecp_nistz256_add:

proc main (uint64 a0, uint64 a1, uint64 a2, uint64 a3,
           uint64 b0, uint64 b1, uint64 b2, uint64 b3,
           uint64 m0, uint64 m1, uint64 m2, uint64 m3) =
  and [ m0 = 0xffffffffffffffff, m1 = 0x00000000ffffffff,
        m2 = 0x0000000000000000, m3 = 0xffffffff00000001 ]
  and [ m0 = 0xffffffffffffffff@64, m1 = 0x00000000ffffffff@64,
        m2 = 0x0000000000000000@64, m3 = 0xffffffff00000001@64,
        limbs 64 [a0, a1, a2, a3] <u limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3],
        limbs 64 [b0, b1, b2, b3] <u limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3]

Note that the modulo m’s appear in both parts of pre-condition. Since we will use the CAS-based engine, we need to tell the engine about m’s. Simiarly, we initialize memory stores with input parameters and constants.

mov L0x7fffffffd9b0 a0; mov L0x7fffffffd9b8 a1;
mov L0x7fffffffd9c0 a2; mov L0x7fffffffd9c8 a3;

mov L0x7fffffffd9d0 b0; mov L0x7fffffffd9d8 b1;
mov L0x7fffffffd9e0 b2; mov L0x7fffffffd9e8 b3;

mov L0x55555557c000 0xffffffffffffffff@uint64;
mov L0x55555557c008 0x00000000ffffffff@uint64;
mov L0x55555557c010 0x0000000000000000@uint64;
mov L0x55555557c018 0xffffffff00000001@uint64;

At the end of ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl, the results c’s are obtained from memory stores.

mov c0 L0x7fffffffd9f0; mov c1 L0x7fffffffd9f8;
mov c2 L0x7fffffffda00; mov c3 L0x7fffffffda08;

And we use the following post-condition:

  eqmod limbs 64 [0, 0, 0, 0, c0, c1, c2, c3]
        limbs 64 [a0, a1, a2, a3] * limbs 64 [b0, b1, b2, b3]
        limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3]
  limbs 64 [c0, c1, c2, c3] <u limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3]

In the post-condition, we ask the CAS-based engine to verify $c \times 2^{256} \equiv a \times b \mod p256$. For the range check $c < p256$, we employs the SMT-based engine.

Verification #

We are ready to verify our model. Type

$ $CL_HOME/cv.exe -v -isafety ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl

$\cryptoline$ reports the algebraic specification fails. We will add more annotations to our model. We have seen how information can be passed between engines in the translation rules for shlx and shrx. Another useful information to pass from the SMT-based to the CAS-based engines is addition carries. When carries propogate along long additions, the last carry is almost always zero. Such information is easily inferred with the SMT-based engine. In ecp_nistz256_mul_mont, two threads of long additions are computed interleavingly. One uses the $\xeightysix$ adcx instruction and the other uses adox. There are three pairs of interleaving long additions. At the end of each pair, we annotate ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl with the following commands:

(* NOTE: can't carry *)
assert true && and [carry=0@1,overflow=0@1];
assume and [carry=0,overflow=0] && true;

Here, we ask the SMT-based engine to verify both carry and overflow are zeros, and then pass the information to the CAS-baesd engine.

The last annotation we need to add is for the conditional moves at the end of ecp_nistz256_mul_mont. Similar to ecp_nistz256_add, the conditional moves check if the Montgomery product is less than $p256$ by subtraction. If not, the difference is returned. The SMT-based engine suffices to verify this in ecp_nistz256_add. We will verify the conditional moves in the SMT-based engine and pass the information to the CAS-based engine. Let us save the Montgomery product before subtraction with the following:

ghost r12o@uint64, r13o@uint64, r8o@uint64, r9o@uint64, r10o@uint64 :
      and [r12o=r12, r13o=r13, r8o=r8, r9o=r9, r10o=r10]
   && and [r12o=r12, r13o=r13, r8o=r8, r9o=r9, r10o=r10];

The keyword ghost declares five reference variables r12o, r13o, r8o, r9o, and r10o. These reference variables can only appear in assert and assume commands and hence cannot the computation of ecp_nistz256_mul_mont. After the conditional moves, we add two $\cryptoline$ commands:

(* NOTE: final reduction *)
assert true &&
       eqmod limbs 64 [r12, r13, r8, r9, 0@64]
             limbs 64 [r12o, r13o, r8o, r9o, r10o]
             limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3, 0@64];
assume eqmod limbs 64 [r12, r13, r8, r9, 0]
             limbs 64 [r12o, r13o, r8o, r9o, r10o]
             limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3, 0] && true;

The assert command asks the SMT-based engine to verify the result is congruent to the Montgomery product modulo $p256$. The information is then passed to the CAS-based engine in assume.

Using the following command, $\cryptoline$ reports ecp_nistz256_mul_mont is verified:

$ $CL_HOME/cv.exe -v -isafety ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl

Exercise: Construct a model for ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont in ecp_nistz256-x86_64.pl and verify it.

Compositional Reasoning with cut #

The ecp_nistz256_mul_mont subroutine computes in two phases. The first phase computes the Montgomery product and stores it in five registers r12, r13, r8, r9, and r10. The second phase reduces the Montgomery product by modulo $p256$ and stores the final result in four registers r12, r13, r8, and r9. Since the two phases appear to be independent, they may be verified independently.

The $\cryptoline$ cut P && Q command provides a simple mechanism to divide a verification task by parts. Consider the $\cryptoline$ model in “Original”. The cut command effectively splits the model into three parts shown in “Part I” to “Part III”. Observe that P1 && Q1 is the post-condition in “Part I” but the pre-condition in “Part II”. Similarly, P2 && Q2 is the post-condition in “Part II” but the pre-condition in “Part III”. $\cryptoline$ reports successful verification when all three parts are verified successfully. Informally, P1 && Q1 is established and then assumed to verify P2 && Q2. P2 && Q2 is then assumed to prove P3 && Q3. If we know how to divide a large cryptographic prgram into phases, the cut command allows us to verify the program by parts.


proc main (...) =
{ P0 && Q0 }
(* Phase I *)
cut P1 && Q1;
(* Phase II *)
cut P2 && Q2:
(* Phase III *)
{ P3 && Q3 }

Part I:

proc main0 (...) =
{ P0 && Q0 }
(* Phase I *)
{ P1 && Q1 }

Part II:

proc main1 (...) =
{ P1 && Q1 }
(* Phase II *)
{ P2 && Q2 }

Part III:

proc main2 (...) =
{ P2 && Q2 }
(* Phase III *)
{ P3 && Q3 }

Back to ecp_nistz256_mul_mont, it is natural to divide the subroutine by its two phases. Let us add the following command just before the ghost declaration:

cut eqmod limbs 64 [0, 0, 0, 0, r12, r13, r8, r9, r10]
          (limbs 64 [a0, a1, a2, a3] * limbs 64 [b0, b1, b2, b3])
          limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3] &&
    and [limbs 64 [r12, r13, r8, r9, r10] <u
         2@320 * limbs 64 [m0, m1, m2, m3, 0@64],
         m0 = 0xffffffffffffffff@64, m1 = 0x00000000ffffffff@64,
         m2 = 0x0000000000000000@64, m3 = 0xffffffff00000001@64,
         r14=0x00000000ffffffff@64, r15=0xffffffff00000001@64,
         r12=rbx, r13=rdx];

The cut command states the Montgomery product is stored in the five registers r12, r13, r8, r9, and r10 and the product is less than twice of the modulo. The remaining equations collect necessary assumptions to verify the reduction modulo $p256$.

With the simple modification, we can verify ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl again:

$ $CL_HOME/cv.exe -v -isafety ecp_nistz256_mul_mont.cl

On Raspberry Pi 4 (1.8GHz ARM Cortex-A72 with 8GB RAM), the model without cut is verified in 153 seconds. In contrast, the model with cut is verified in 52 seconds. The cut command can significantly reduce the verification time if used propertly.

Exercise: Add cut to your model for ecp_nistz256_sqr_mont and compare verification time.

  1. Depending on the $\xeightysix$ microarchitecture, the assembly subroutine ecp_nistz256_mul_mont has two implementations: __ecp_nistz256_mul_montx and __ecp_nistz256_mul_montq. We will verify __ecp_nistz256_mul_montx here. ↩︎